Every new computer start works fine and fast, there is no problem, but by time they become slow, Why?
By the time all new applications becomes bigger with more features and settings which require more hardware resources such as fast processor, more HDD storage space and more RAM space, and that will make our current computer to be slow.
When we using our computer programs most of them stores settings, temporary files, history logs, update their files with new versions, add more packages from internet and so on, so they always become bigger and need more space on HDD.
Every application we install adding more files to the OS and store additional setting to the system.
When we startup our computer it needs more time to load the new files and new setting added to the system.
Even when we uninstall them, some of their settings and temporary log files stay in HDD.
Fix the File Increasing .
Install only the needed applications.
Clean and delete all unnecessary files including old files from your HDD or move old files to external drives and delete the originals.
Using cleaner applications which clean your HDD from Application Leftovers, Trashes, Cache Files, Logs, History files to speed up your computer.
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